I am thrilled to dig into Masters of Sex, which premieres tonight (9/29/13) on Showtime. The new series is based off the true story of Masters & Johnson’s pioneering work which established the study of human sexuality as a science. During the 1950s, Masters & Johnson broke down all social barriers at the time to study the physiological sexual response cycle by observing and measuring masturbation and intercourse between men and women in their lab.
Earlier this week, Kimberley Hall, a mom, wrote a blog post in the form of a letter to her sons’ female friends who were posting sexual pictures of themselves on social media outlets. This letter went viral. I posted it on my Facebook account and received a huge response to the post. I decided to look at it more deeply and came up with 10 things I think we can learn from what wasn’t said in Kim’s letter to teenage girls:
Another TED talk! That didn’t take long. Dr. Philip Zimbardo, yes the same guy who conducted the infamous Stanford Prison Experiment, discusses “The Demise of Guys”. This talk makes me wonder, “Is excessive pornography use like sexual ADD?” On a more serious note, I think boys and young men are really being underserved in our culture. We need more avenues for boys and men to explore aggression and competition in healthy ways, instead of compulsively doing so with technology. Furthermore, unless you are Jewish, we really don’t have a
cultural right-of-passage from boyhood to manhood, except maybe through fraternities and gangs. How does a boy know he is a man in our culture? Also, if we could make a conscious effort to foster healthy masculinity what would we want healthy masculinity to be? You can also check out the website that was launched in response to this talk for some more exploration of this topic. I am a TED talk junkie. Expect to see a whole lot of TED talk videos on this blog. I'm also a fan of Gary Wilson's website: yourbrainonporn.com. However, I do wish the information mentioned was cited in a more formal way. You really need to put on your detective hat to find the original data, but it is there. Please let me know what you think. When I discuss these concepts in my lectures, I find people are both blown away and eager to learn more as they apply this process to their porn use or to someone they know.
About this Blog:I'm here to help us discuss sexuality, gender, and media by integrating information from academic and mainstream sources. I hope this resource produces more sexually competent people who raise sexually competent kids. Categories